Our experience is based on hundreds of cases from the companies we work with. This experience, added to Hect’s professionals ability to generate solutions will help managers achieve goals and improve the performance of specific areas or of the entire organization.

Adverse situations sometimes make it impossible to fulfill the obligations undertaken by companies, leading to financial default. In order to settle the debt in a quick, efficient and friendly way, Hect uses alternative methodologies to solve these demands. It is possible to avoid litigation and still maintain and improve relationships. In this context, Hect offers the following services:

  • Mediations of defaults;
  • Negotiations and reconciliation of contractual obligations.

The complex Brazilian tax legislation compromises the proper collection of taxes by companies. Even when attempting to maintain tax compliance, it is not uncommon for companies to make mistakes when collecting taxes and contributions. On the other hand, the pressure of the tax burden in some economic segments sometimes makes it impossible to settle the obligations, exposing the business activity to tax foreclosures. In this context, Hect offers services of:

  • Identification of tax credits and inadequate calculation bases;
  • Preparation of plans to comply with tax obligations.

Hect offers support to companies with trouble maintaining their operational activities due to financial reasons, working in the preparation of a preliminary diagnosis for the reorganization claim, by judicial or extrajudicial means, in accordance with Legislation. In this context, Hect offers services of:

  • Study on the Feasibility of Judicial and Extrajudicial Recovery;
  • Preparation of Judicial and Extrajudicial Recovery Plan;
  • Judicial Administration.

The business world, for some time, has been going through an accelerated process of transformations and changes, with a substantial increase in the complexity of operations. Operational issues, management, compliance, technology, competition, product positioning, are some of the hypotheses that turn into a permanent challenge for administrators today. Many of these hypotheses are beyond the control and competence of companies, which makes it even more difficult to make decisions to avoid them or take the appropriate and necessary reactionary measures at the right time. Hect Consultoria is able to advise companies that, due to constant transformations and changes, may be impacted by such occurrences, putting their future at risk and, in this case, need to review their business model and strategic ambition.